Saturday, November 15, 2008



Inasmuch as sleep is known to play a vital role in the efficiency and productivity of mankind, many still don’t enjoy the gift of sleep to the fullest.

Rich people need sleep as well as the poor folks. Affiliate marketers, internet gurus and internet business entrepreneurs all cannot shy away from the enhancement of their wealth creation which comes by way of refreshing sleep.

Many do experience difficulty in enjoying sound sleep. Here are some of the tips to help you enjoy this important natural phenomenon. They are as follows:

* Avoid food substance containing nicotine such as coffee, cola and some of the herbal teas.
· Don’t drink alcohol before bedtime, it will keep you awake.
· Sleep schedule-Have a daily sleep schedule and stick to it.
· Make it a habit each day to go to bed and out of bed the same time week end and holidays not withstanding.
· Exercise moderately.
· Do you know that indigestion interferes with sleep, sound sleep? So avoid heavy meals at bedtime.
· Relaxation before sleep is so important. Relax by reading books of your choice, listen to good and cool music. Music is an antidote to worry and anxiety. It can help you alleviates sleep disorders.
· Your environment also matters if you are to enjoy sound sleep. Make the room noiseless, put off light switches, TV and computer sets during sleep to avoid distractions.
· Avoid sleep depriving schedules and functions like night clubbing and partying.
· Remember to regulate your bed room temperature as you are about to sleep. If the room is cool you will sleep soundly.

So this is some of the ways of achieving rewardable and refreshing night rest. Do take care of yourself. Make enough cash for yourself and enjoying same.
Best Wishes
Victor Jo

Friday, November 14, 2008



What is sleep?
Sleep is an experience of setting aside a moment of resting the body after work.
It is a time when one is not awake either in the day or night.

To correlate sleep and wealth therefore, it is sound sleep that energizes the body for quality performance in wealth creation.
Studies show that a minimum of 8 hrs sleep is needed each day for humans to be at their best both at work and play.


The place of sleep in enhancing good health cannot be over emphasized.
· Good memory, sound mind and right thinking comes as a result of sleep.
· Sleep stimulates the brain cells used in learning.
· It also activates the brain for proper and clear thinking ability, good decision making and fast reasoning capacity.
· HEALTH-Good hospitals and health care providers recommend bed rest as a therapy for most of their patience all amounting to sleep.
· This explains the place of sleep in keeping you from getting sick and hastening recovery in times of ill health.
· Our daily function, physical and mental health is to a large extent the product of a sound sleeping system.
· Our nervous system works well properly with good sleep.
· The immune system is also boosted by reason of sleep.

So the act of sleeping is very essential for your entire well-being just like food and water.


Working round the clock with no time left to sleep, rest and refresh the body system is disadvantageous and detrimental. Let me give you some of the demerit:

· Emotion - Lack of proper sleep makes one to be tensed up emotionally.
· Unhappiness is also associated with insufficient sleep.
· Poor performance at work, business, etc.
· Irritability- Lack of sleep can affect ones mood causing depression, bocoming repelling to friends and love ones.
· Sickness- The next alternative to sleep is sickness. If you pursue wealth at the detriment of your health, your body will react and then force rest and sleep on you.
· Poor concentration, fatique, anxiety, drowsiness, etc.

So beware! Work and Sleep, Rest and Work so will you prosper, succeed in life and acquire all your heart wishes.
Stay Cool
Victor Jo

Tuesday, September 23, 2008



Laughter is an expression of joy as a result of sudden surprise, amusement or nervousness
Most men in pursuit of wealth ignore this vital ingredient of human health. Laughter, as a healthy sense of humor promotes good health, increases and speed up the production of immune cells in the human body system.
Most of the instrument in our immune system is sharpen to greater functionality by reason of laughter.

The power of laughter when properly harnessed help make human beings healthier and happier. As an intrinsic part of human lives, laughter calms down the brain, effect a relaxing mood leaving one less depressed and anxious.

Don’t be over zealous with wealth investments and transactions that you have no time left to laugh, become excited, cheer up oneself and not be moody. As you laugh, you get in to a relaxed state. It could be telling jokes, sharing an exciting experience with others.
Your creativity is likely to be enhanced and increased when you laugh, relax and in the right mind.

It is laughter that link up humor and mood together. Stress, worry and anxiety have less effect on those with a good and strong sense of humor.
Studies have shown that humans with a low sense of humor could be activated through laughter.

However, there is a proper dose for laughter. Frivolity, carelessness and moral looseness should not be mistaken for laughter as a healthy therapy. There’s need therefore for moderation, sobriety and a health level of seriousness.

It is a matter of possessing a sound and playful, peaceful state of mind without giving oneself over to permissiveness and suggestion of evil whatsoever.
So there’s this concept of choice and control. One can be jovial and yet firm. You got to cheer up and not be frowning, don’t be of a moody countenance.
Laughter makes for happiness and long life. Make friend with happy people.

Best wishes
Victor Jo

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Do you know that life is short.As you are acquiring wealth here and there and your income is growing skyward,you need to groom up an heir from your loins to manage your resources when you are no more.

There's this common saying that when the owner of a thing is dead,the thing is also dead.Dont ever allow this to be your lot.Now the question I have for you is this; when your life on earth is ended,which must surely be some day,who will you leave those properties,estate and fat bank account for?

To this end therefore,you must not gamble with your life and health,your fertility health in particular.There are facts you need to know in order to protect your fertility.

*Avoid premarital sex as this might lead to sexually Transmitted diseases,STDs such as HIV(AIDS),Gonorrhea,syphilis,etc.

*Premarital sex can also lead to unwanted pregnancy and eventually abortion resulting in damage to the reproductive system,damage tubes and infection.

*Self medication and poor treatment of sexually transmitted disaese,STDs can cause seek the advice of a specialist for proper treatment.

*Avoid the use of intra-uterine contraceptive device(IUCD)as a contraceptive alternative if you are a woman and have not had children.

*Stay healthy by eating balance diets.Increase your intake of vegetables and fres fruits.Cocumber,carrots and orages are few examples.

*Regular exercise is also of tremendous help to human fertility.It reduces stress.

*To prevent mumps infection which can lead to male infertility,ensure your male infants are given measles,mumps and rubella vaccines(MMR)

Women with fibroid should avoid the temptation to accept surgery as an option.Before consenting,seek adequate advice from reliable source and if need be,enlist the services of medical expertise to avoid damage to your reproductive health and tubes.

*Negative harbits like smoking,alcoholism and drugs are harmful to your life.Beware

*For pregnant women,daily intake of folic acid and vitamins will boost their vitality and that of the unborn baby.

*In a situation where all attempts to achieve pregnancy naturally proves abortive,you can go for advance assisted reproductive technology like IVF.visit this site

Best Wishes

Victor Jo


A healthy man is a wealthy man.It is one thing to be wealthy on one hand and to be healthy on the other.If a man acquire wealth at the expense of his health,of what benefit will those gains be to him.How then will he enjoy his wealth.
To such a one,joy,comfort and the pleasure of living will be a mirrage.

So you got to guard your health seriously and jealously too.Do always those things that makes for a good and healthy living and at the same time endeavour to resist those stuff that causes havoc to human health.
We have the DOs and DONTs to be observed by any one who is desirous of a prosperous and blisful future.Lets consider most of them,first of all the DONTs.


For every wealthy human being willing to enjoy his God given riches,the following caution is worthy to take note of.They are:

*Donts ever over labour yourself in the guest to accumulate wealth.After all,you need to be alive in order to enjoy the labour of your hands.

*Avoid stress as a plaque.It causes depression with the attendant immotional traumas.

*Dont give your heart to worry and anxiety.There's nothing to worry about.Whatever situation you cannot handle simply leave it in the hand of your creator.

*Dont smoke,for smoking is dangerous to your health.Dont drink alcohol either,for it eats up your body system.Avoid taking hard drugs.

*Dont eat anything you see and anywhere you see them.You are not a pit or a dumping site which do not have the liberty to reject whatever is thrown in to it.Be selective.

*So therefore,avoid fatty food substances.They increase ones calories and consequently obesity,heart diseases and other health complications.Red meat is not too good.

*Avoid strenous exercises.By this I mean those exercises you are not comfortable with.I'm sure you are not preparing for any major athletic competition.

*Dont skip your breakfast,very very important.Your body needs it to begin the day on a good note.

*Dont allow your surroundings to be a breeding ground for mosquitoes and rodents.

Having said these,lets encourage ourselves with the positive attitude of the wealthy and healthy.


* Remember personal hygiene.Learn the act of keeping your body and environment neat and tidy at all times.

*Exercise regularly.However,take to easy and simple ones.

*Listen to your body language.Study yourself and be your own master.Be sensitive enough to know when to start and when to stop to avoid body reactions which is illness.

*The importance of sleep and rest cannot be overemphasized.According to scientific research,human body system needs a minimum of eight hours rest a day to function adequately.So give the body sufficient rest.

*Eat properly too.Eat balance diet,drink plenty of water every day.God in His infinite love and mercies has made provisions of green vegetables and fresh fruits for our health.There's no season without these natural foods.Eat them,chew them and drink enough of them.It is for your good.

*Visit your doctor regularly for prompt check up and medical update

*When you wake up in the morning,give something to life so that you can reap life.Give prayers,give meditation on the Word of God.

*Learn to give a smile to others.Be frank and open hearted.Dont bully on others please.Your health is my concern.So stay healthy.
Yours in health
Victor Jo

Friday, September 5, 2008


Are you tired of working under an employer? Do you have the drive of being your own master? Is it extra income that you are longing for?If your answer is yes then the solution is here now.

Is it not wonderful and comforting to discover these new waves of wealth creation God has made available in this our generation to put smiles in the faces of the sons of men? Iam referring to Paid To Click(PTC)Company that is existing all over the net.

Who ever dreamed that you can sit at the comfort of your homes and offices,then by just clicking and viewing web sites for few seconds,you can earn money for a living.Permit me to introduce you to few of such sites where you can sign up,start exploring and earn lots of fortune.

The best of earnings so far,prompt in payments and free in advertising.You dont need to be a guru before you start earning money on the internet.All you need is just to own a computer set with internet connectivity and with the use of your mouse,just be clicking money in to your bank account.So simple as ABC!

I dont want to border you with so many write ups,just go in to action immediately.Click here or

Do you have a web site,services and products to promote or affiliate links for online marketing,lets help you to advertise them free of charge.Sign up here href=""> here is another one

Best Smiles

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Traffic generation is one of the foremost factor in wealth creation as long as internet business is concerned.No business enterpreneur could shy away or become indifferent to this issue of traffic driving force which is widely accepted as a means of increasing ones financial returns.

The success of your business and the amount of income generation depends to a large extent on the number of visitors your web site receives daily.
It is one thing to own a website,another thing is to attract marketers and online shopers to such sites.

You got to create awareness and get your products and offers publicised in order to increase and strengthen your income base.
Inasmuch as we advice manufacturers and product marketers to take their business online,the first step being that of domain name and web site acquisition,it is however disadvantageous to rest at this point of lunching the site as this will do no serious enterpreneur any good.

There are free advertising sites and links on the web that can help you in driving sufficient traffic to your site at no additional cost.
is one of such link.Others include or These are all great links that can assist in giving your business a face lift offering you free advertisement free of charge.

You cant afford to go into hiding and expect your business to fetch you untold wealth.So come on,lets publicise it for you,make your offers popular.Let the masses online get to know you,your products and your offers.Lets know your worth,what you can do and in no distant time you will become embarrassed by the amount of money coming into yuor bank account every day of the week,every week of the month,every months of the year and indeed all the days of your life.
Yours in biz
Victor Jo

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Shares are unit of capital or ownership interest in a company.
Investing refers to sowing and after sowing comes the harvest of joy and fortune. Investing is a great means of wealth creation for a stable and dependable financial future.

Different spheres of investing include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, treasury bills, property, savings account, bank CDs, etc. Investing in stock and company shares is proven to be the most ideal, attractive and rewarding.

To be successful therefore, one has to learn the basic tools and techniques of investing. Proper knowledge and understanding of the marketing procedures and its controlling factors becomes essential.
In as much as investing points to the future, wise men and investors like you don’t live for today but with the power of second sight lays a good foundation for the days ahead.

BENEFITS OF INVESTING IN COMPANY SHARES: Harvest time is a time of joy and rejoicing. ”They that sow in tears shall reap in joy” says the Holy Writ. Like a dream come true, the wealth of rewards associated with investing include;

· Dividend, that is divided profit
· Capital appreciation (pillar of investing)
· Bonus share and Right issue
· Financial independence
· Security of a blissful, peaceful and enjoyable future.


As simple as ABC, make adequate financial plans with concerted effort to own an investment port folio. Enlist the services of qualified, certified and registered stock brokers. Based on the advice of your stock broker, you may buy either from the primary market (public offers) or secondary market (stock market).

Endeavour to buy more shares when prices are low and sell as soon as possible when they appreciates.In this regard, a good broker will be of help.



Permit me to mention here that there are pitfalls to be avoided in order to excel in investing.
Don’t just throw in your hard earned income for a company whose profile of past financial records and dealings is neither reachable nor accessible. Be quite selective in your choice of a company to invest in.
Don’t enlist the services of unqualified stock brokers. Gather all the necessary info about the broker to avoid falling in to wrong and fraudulent hands as this could cost you a great deal of fortune.
Personal follow up of your transactions on a daily basis is very important.

So invest today, invest tomorrow. Cultivate the habit of investing and saving for the rainy day. The sky cannot be your limit
Your generation yet unborn will rise and praise you calling you a blessing.

Victor Jo

Thursday, August 7, 2008



Dear Client,
I welcome you for taking a bold step to request for this information. You saw the advert from Success Digest Extra Magazine , title “DISCOVER 7 WAYS OF CREATING WEALTH WITH THE TOP US INVESTMENT COMPANIES.” I want to congratulate you for reading Success Digest Extra Magazine and I encourage you to continue reading it while introducing your friends and love one to always keep in touch with the paper.

I am going to show you the most EXCITING INCOME-GENERATOR which is going to generate piles of profit every week and month for every investors. It’s all about investing your money and go home to sleep while your money work for you. You will be smelling to the bank either on weekly or 9th, 15th and 30th/31th of every month to withdraw your money in your bank account without doing anything. "It really WORKS like AUTOMATIC MACHINE..." I called it “ US HYIP ALTERNATIVE INCOME GENERATOR.

It is very simple you can make $1000- $7000 per month just with a little investment of N11,700 start up capital. Clerically, You only invest your money and go home to sleep while your money work for you. The rich do not work for money but money work for the rich. Say Kiyosai
"God gave us Internet that whosoever understand the Internet would not die of poverty but shall make a living online 24 hours days , 7 days a week, 365 days a year throughout his or her days on this planet". Aniefiok Ukang(CSP)2005 on his book "The Online Investment Guide
I'm going to show you how I make over $10,000 in six months with US LICENSE HYIP ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT...and how you can possibly do the same. This will change the lives of thousand of Nigerians and African people who are ready to start INVESTING on the Internet business or earn extra income.

These investment companies have been in business for over 35 years now and the investors who took advantage are enjoying today while others who lack the information and the knowledges are continue to loose their hard earned money to the USELESS HYIP without knowing that US LICENSE HYIP ALTERNATIVE CAN EARN ONE AIMLESS WEALTH within few months time.
The difference between men is their ears to be informed. To be informed is to be transformed. To be uniformed is to remain deformed. Your decision is your destination. Your life travels in the direction of your decision. That you have responded to our advert is sufficient testimony to your avid and strong penchant for financial freedom and liberty. Your search for information and willingness to pay the price to acquire the relevant knowledge to attain to your desired financial haven constitutes a key to unlocking the door of abundance and plenty in your life in this age, your strength no longer counts.

Thanks to the power of information. I am quite sure that this information product we are about to hand over to you will unarguably and inevitably make you a head in your family, neighbourhood and community. You will never experience poverty and lack again in your life if you act on this information now. The choice is however yours whether to stop at this point or to proceed to order for this product. You are what you choose to be. You will be what you will to be. Our product is sincerely packaged to assist you achieve maximum benefit and satisfaction and 100% rest assured of these companies. You will “DISCOVER 7 WAYS OF CREATING WEALTH WITH THE TOP US INVESTMENT COMPANIES.” Yea. I know you are anxious to get to this portion of my sales letter. Well, I will let the cat out of the bag. But make sure you get the cat to avoid further possible damage. If you have lost money before online/offline to the UNLICENSE HYIP, you will appreciate this e-book and even thank God for using me to show you how to start earning piles of money from US LICENSE HYIP.
This is a 100% automatic money making system
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You do not have to buy anything to start making money
It is easy to understand and start investing, Everyone can do it!
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What is inside?
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Do you know that there are license HYIP in US that are making wave in the international market. I have explained the 3 top companies in US you can invest a little money and start earning piles of dollars either daily, weekly and monthly based. Every companies explained on the e-book/e-guide, has all gone through a series of test with expert and proved super investment to the investors. Another exciting thing about these companies is that Nigerian are allow to invest and every investor is given a certified certificate to prove the level of investment and the authenticity of the company.

Wonderfully, these companies has last more than 7 years. Each of the companies mentioned have millions of investors. I'm one of the investor and i have been investing with them for over a year now and i understand the A,B, C of how to invest with them. You can start to invest with theses companies, immediately you order my e-book/eguide. After getting my e-book/e-guide, go through each of the companies and their levels of the investment. Pay for any level you want to invest and send your details and the requirement. You can either call me on phone or send email to me.

I will immediately confirm and wire the money out to my own with the company and use the money to quickly register you. When once i complete the registration process, i will send the pin/passwords to you with the account name. Then as you get it, login and print your certificate out and keep while the company will keep paying the money to your account weekly and monthly based as it is explain on the e-guide.

I Earned over $10,000 without doing any hardwork with these companies, My money work for me. You can Let Your Money Work for You rather than carrying it to the Nigerian stock market. Yes, i invested N200,000 in the Nigeria Stock Market and after 9 months i earned N300,000. I took the same a mount of money and invested in US Mutual Investment Company, after 3 months i earned over N670,000 and yet my investment was still growing. Now you can see why you need to invest in the international market because it has a lots of yielding then in a local market. The Nigerian stock market which is becoming frustrating and there is no way for beginner to make money with little investment without have a broker that is ready to listen to you. Why not investment with HYIP ALTERNATIVE BUSINESS to aimless wealth online. Now with N7700 you can gain your financial freedom for life time.

Now The good news is that, i have just talk to the author of this wonderful money making ebook and he promise that my clients can pay N5000. But if you visit the website directly you will see that the author is selling the E-book N7700. Now pay N5000 and get your ebook now!

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If after receiving the E-Package you are dissatisfied with it for any reason, you can return it for a full refund of your money. But, before then, you have to notify us within by a week of receiving the e-guide/e-book, which in your own case, is assumed to be within 7 days after dispatching your e-package to your email box. Again, you have to ensure that you notify us not later than a week after your e-mail notification, if you don't like it, ask for your money back to be refunded to you within the a week of receiving our e-book/e-guide.

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How to Get eBay Coupons

How to Get eBay Coupons
You have to be very lucky to be one of the chosen few who receive an eBay coupon by email. These coupons are just like cash that you can use towards anything you buy on eBay - the only conditions being that you pay using PayPal, and that you are using eBay in the USA, Canada or the UK.There are two ways to get eBay coupons.Wait for that Email.Of course, if you just wait, you'll be waiting for a long time. You have to do something to make yourself look like the kind of person eBay would want to tempt back with a coupon. If you open an account, buy a few medium-value things and then suddenly stop, the chances are you'll find yourself with some kind of special offer - but still, not always.Go Searching.

The better way, of course, is to go and find the coupons that are out there on the web. This is quite hit-and-miss, as eBay don't always have an offer on, but when there's a valid code you can guarantee that it'll be everywhere within a few hours. Just type 'ebay coupon codes' into your favourite search engine, but be prepared to pick through some rubbish. You might find you have better luck if you use a more obscure search engine, where people haven't taken the trouble to game the results.If going through search engines is too much for you, then just keep an eye out at any community forums you frequent, where someone might just post one.

You probably have the best chances if you make a few friends on eBay's own forums at It can be fun and educational to chat to the regulars there too, so you really have nothing to lose.How do You Redeem Coupons?A coupon is basically a code, with some being quite long. All you need to do is pay with PayPal as usual for the item you want to use the coupon towards. After you choose PayPal as your payment method, you will notice a heading that says 'Coupons, Gift Certificates and eBay Anything Points'. Type the coupon code in here: they can be long, so you should use copy-and-paste to make sure you get it right. Just click 'Redeem', and it's good to go.

Don't worry about causing problems for sellers by doing this, by the way - they have no way of even telling that you used a coupon, as eBay just pay them for the item as usual. Coupons are good for sellers as they attract more buyers to eBay, meaning that they get more bids on their auctions. After all, why would they object to getting more money without you actually having to pay it?Since you're interested in making your eBay shopping more affordable, you might be interested to know that you can now buy eBay items on credit. Our next email will tell you all the details of eBay's new 'Buyer's Credit' program.

Meeting People on MySpace

Meeting People on MySpace
The process of meeting people on MySpace is extremely easy. MySpace is an online community which encourages individuals from all over the world to become involved and create an online profile. Members are able to create a MySpace website which they can use to provide others with information about them. Members are also encouraged to view the websites belonging to other members to learn more about other members of the community. Those who participate in MySpace can provide as much or as little personal information as they wish and are not required to give any specific information when they design their website.

Those who are willing to open up more, however, are likely to be more interesting to other members and may accumulate friends very quickly on MySpace. Searching for Friends on MySpaceThe search feature can help new MySpace members to find friends in the community. The search feature allows users to enter in a particular word and provides search results which include MySpace members’ websites which use this word. This is an interesting way to meet potential friends on MySpace because you can enter keywords which are associated to a favorite hobby, band, book or other interest to find others who share this interest.

Those on MySpace can use the search feature to find new friends but can also use the search feature to meet find friends with whom you have lost touch over the years. Members can also search through MySpace for users with a particular name although this not always effective because users are not required to post their full name on their MySpace website. However, there are many who do include their full name so trying this search feature is worthwhile if you are looking to locate someone from your past on MySpace. Using Caution on MySpaceWith any online community, caution should be used when cultivating friendships on MySpace.

The vast majority of those who use MySpace are simply looking to either make new friends or find long last friends but there are a small percentage of users who may have malicious intents. MySpace created their terms of services and makes an honest attempt to enforce these terms but this can be a difficult task on the InternetIt is important to remember that the Internet allows a certain degree of anonymity that can allow some unscrupulous individuals to mask their true identity and convince other MySpace members they are someone who they are really not. Common scenarios which may occur on the Internet include individuals obtaining enough information to steal the identity of another or individuals obtaining information such as an address which enables them to do physical harm to another member of MySpace.

Those who use MySpace should be careful to ensure their private information is kept private while they are online. Information which can be used to harm them may include any combination of the following:* Full name* Place of birth* Names of children and information on when and where they were born* High school and year of graduation* Social security number* Credit card numbers* Bank account numbersSome of the information above may seem harmless but it is important to remember devious criminals can use public resources such as newspapers and library books to find out more information about an individual.

When you are Being Harassed on MySpaceHarassment is a serious issue which the MySpace administrators take very seriously. However, the most effective method they recommend for getting those harassing you to stop is to ignore them. According to the FAQ page on MySpace 99.9% of harassment situations diffuse if harassing emails are completely ignored. You can also block users which prevents them from contacting you through MySpace and remove them from your friends list which will prevent them from adding comments.

If another user has created a profile about you with malicious intent you can contact MySpace customer service and provide them with a link to the profile and they will investigate the profile and delete it if warranted.

Access Wealth

Access Wealth :7 Surefire Ways To Increase Your Traffic Starting Yesterday

Internet. Business. Profit. To fully integrate all of these words into a successful merging you will need another word. Traffic. Every article you will find about making your site or company successful would always include the importance of generating traffic.So, we all know that in the core of it all, traffic is the most essential thing to a successful internet based business company. Aside from ensuring that you have a great product to sell, and you have your company’s internal organization well taken core of, it would be time to get to the nitty gritty of things, generating traffic. If you already have a site and you want think that you're not getting the traffic that you're supposed to be getting, then its time to reconsider. If you are contending in these very competitive business, you should always be a step ahead of your competition, increasing your traffic flow should have been done starting yesterday. Timing is essential, that’s an old adage known to everyone. But with generating traffic, you should always be on your toes and be a day ahead of everyone. Never think of today and tomorrow as a starting point for making your site traffic laden, it should always have been yesterday.To help you out in generating more traffic for your site, here are some seven surefire ways to increase your traffic starting from yesterday.

1) Invest in good advertising with search enginesGoogle’s Adwords and Yahoo’s Overture provide great advertising schemes that are very truly popular and assures great traffic. Although with this surefire way to increase your traffic would cost some money. While some would shy away from spending money to increase traffic, it is imperative in this case to do so because Adwords and Overture is the top surefire way to increase your traffic. You could see for yourself the success this search engine advertising methods have reaped rewards for so many companies. Lots of site feature these advertising system and many have signed on to reap the benefits. Do not be left behind. Every penny is worth it with using Google and Yahoo’s advertising.

2) Exchange or Trade Links with other sitesWith exchanging links with other sites, both of you will benefit from the efforts both of you do to enhance your sites traffic. When one site features another sites link, they could provide one another with the traffic one site generates. The efforts are doubly beneficial because it would seem like both of you are working to generate more traffic. The more links traded with more sites the more traffic could be expected.

3) Use Viral Marketing Viral marketing allows you to spread the word about your company and product without any costs or if ever low costs only. This is a marketing method that can be quite sneaky; you can attach your company’s name, product or link to a certain media such as a funny video, entertaining game, an interesting article or a gossip or buzz. With this method, people get infected with the creativity and entertainment of the medium that they will pass it on to many people.

4) Search and use proper keywords or keyword phrases for your sites contentSearch engines look for certain keywords that they would show in their results page. In doing so, having the right keyword and keyword phrase is a high requirement in ranking in high in search engine results. You could write your own content or you could hire someone to do it for you.

5) Write Articles that can lead traffic to your siteSubmit articles to sites that would contain the same subject that your site deals in. If you sell car parts write press releases and articles about cars and car parts. Attach your sites description and services at the end of the article as well as the link.

6) Join forums and form online communitiesCapture a market and show your expertise and credibility. When you found a good foundation for your site, people will trust you and your site and will pass on to many people their trust. Traffic will certainly increase because they know that you can provide what they need.

7) Lastly, Offer newsletters. If many people know what you are about and your existence is shared with many others, you will find a loyal traffic that can provide you with more traffic by recommendation. If you arouse the curiosity of your customers they would be pushed to help you with your traffic.