Saturday, February 28, 2009


HIV refers to Human Immune defficiency Virus.This virus causes AIDS(Acquired Immune Defficiency Syndrome)which is pandermic and deadly.

It is a dangerous virus in that it attack,fight and destroys the human immune system that is fortified to withstand infections.No known cure is discovered so.The virus survives in body fluid and blood and cannot live outside the body for a long time.


This dreaded monster has its unique mode of transmission.It cannot be transmitted through the following ways:

Shaking hands with infected persons cannot transfer the virus.Infection cannot be contacted by hugging,sharing of toilet or casual kissing.Mosquitoe bite cannot transmit the virus either.

However,personal contact with the vaginal fluid,semen and blood of infected persons can be very dangerous.The following ways are the highway to becoming infected:

Sexual intercourse with those infected,be it anal,vaginal or oral can tamper on ones fortune and prospect of access to wealth.

There's the mother to baby transmission during pregnancy or breast milk. Notwithstanding,this could be controlled medically.

Sharing of sharp or piercing instruments like needdles,syringes,razor blade,etc can also aid the spread of the disease.


Prevention they say is better than cure.Absolute abstinence is the best protection.So avoid casual sex.
Married couples should endeavour to keep to their partners only for all form of sexual pleasures and practices.
The use of condom during sexual intercourse is also helpful though there's no 100& guarantee.
Avoid the sharing of sharp and piercing instruments.

As a way of cure,the use of voluntary test is a ready tool for early discovery of the viral infection.The use of anti-retroviral drugs at the early stage of the disease will go a long way in elongating the already shortened life span of the infected person.With these in place,you can stay healthy and wealthy.

Always remember the ABC of self protection which is,

A for Abstinence
B for Be faithful
C for Condom

Best Wishes