Monday, August 3, 2009

Building a Wealthy Website

The Professional look of ones website goes a long way to attract enough traffic and generate more sales to the business.To builg a money spinning website,there are certain features to be taken into consideration.You must have to make a difference in your marketing plans.Also,endeavour to use simple and easily accessible payment plan.

Captivating Headline
Your visitors first impression matters a lot.So the name of your website and its headlines must be captivating,attractive,appealing,impressive as well as professional.Taken into consideration should be the size,colour and words of your headlines.Choice words and selected words should be properly coordinated.
Individual creativity is to stand out in font creation and colour combination.

Stand out Pay Buttons
Your pay buttons should be visible enough for a better chance in generating sales.Properly position your pay buttons preferably on top of the page,in the middle and at the bottom.Make it bold and noticeable.

Interesting Subheading
Use interesting subheadings for your articles.Highlight specific words or phrases to make for easy identification.

Back up Articles
Long articles are not the best.They are boring.Not many people has the time to read through all the long write ups.So why not make it short and straight to the point.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hidden Wealth In Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a stemless succulent plant commonly found in the tropical regions of northen Africa and Asia.
The species is frequently used in herbal medicine and cosmetics.The medicinal value of aloe vera with its healing and soothing properties makes the plant a hot cake and money spinner.

Alternative Medicine

Aloe vera is rich in amino acids,a property that helps the body to repleneish naturally.
Aloe vera enhances proper joint and muscle mobility.
The body defence system is built naturally by vitamin A,Bcomplex,C and E,folic acid found in aloe vera.
As a skin builder,aloe vera combats the effect of aging.
Aloe vera enhances body fitness and increase energy levels of the body.
It provides a natural support for the body immune system.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is used as raw material for the production of beverages,body lotions and yogurts.The sap is applicable in the cosmetic industries for production of soap,shampoos and moisturizers.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice acts as soothing agents for heart burns and irritable bowel syndrome.
It promotes the functions of the circulatory system.
Aloe vera helps in preventing skin disorders and protect against minor skin irritation.

The hidden resources of aloe vera could be tapped for wealth creation.You can act as a distributor of an aready finish products of aloe vera.
Venturing in to the process of manufacturing any of the aloe vera products is welcome development that will put smile on your face.
There's much to discover in aloe vera.So search it out,process it,produce it,market it and make a fortune out of it.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Home care and maintenance are measures put in place to create a pleasant,desirable and attractive home.With the use of home care products and materials,the home could be beautified and made to glitter.
Your life and health are closely connected with your home and its environment.

The following tools are needful if the home is to be properly taken care of.The are;
*Mop and dust rags
*Long and short brush
*Moping buckets
*Cleaning agents and detergents
*Funiture wax
*Toilet brush and soap
*Hand wash,sponge and hand lotion
*Towels and automatic hand dryer.

*Regularly empty the waste paper basket in and outside the home.
*Thorough and constant sweeping and moping of the floor.
Ventilation-Open the doors and windows for free flow of fresh,natural air in and out of the rooms.
*Avoid keeping wet rags inside the home.
*All surfaces,funitures,doors and window frames should be dusted regularly.
*Tidy up the area around the refuse bin properly.
*Properly cover the refuse bin and ensure refuse are being dumped into the bin.
*Dont litter the surroundings with empty cans,waste papers,foodstuff,broken cups,plates and bottles.
*Properly open up the drainage channels,keep it clean without stagnant water.
*Books for the shelves,clothes for the wardrope and pieces of funiture well sorted and arranged.
*Dont apply corrosive agents on the surfaces of electronic appliances and the such like to avoid damage.

*Before leaving home each day,ensure appliances are switch off wall sockets and power extensions should be properly shut down.
*Also make the most use of air freshner to freshen up the rooms.

Wealthy home,wealthy life.Sweet home,sweet life.Clean home,clean life.Healthy home,healthy life.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Opportunity they say knocks but once.The opportunity of today if well employed gives rise to wealth of tomorrow.
One day at a time said a thoughtful investor,moment by moment I will explore.You never can tell the opportunity you ignore today could be your smile in the nearest future.

So you got to click all the clickables,invest all the investable and read all the readable.The journey to wealth creation begins with today.

Take positive decisions in life.It is the decision you make today that determines your destiny.Your happiness tomorrow depends on your decision today.

Back up your decisions with actions.Dont be passive but active for this is the way forward.An active life is a fruitful life.

THE INVESTMENT OF TODAY:Dont allow the investment opportunity of today to pass you by.Make good use of every opportunity to invest for a glorious future.
Always ask yourself this questions; What can I do today? Where can I invest today?

Each day comes with obstacles and opportunities.Turn each set back to stepping stone of success.With a cheerful heart,explore the priviledges and benefits of each opportunity that comes your way.

Dont allow the disappointment of yesterday to affect the duty of today.Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow only a vision;but today if well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Internet business is not for the lazy.There's a place for dedication to work in the course of wealth creation

It's all about commitment of ones time,talent and resources towards achieving a desired goal.
So today is your most precious possession,the only sure possession.Tomorrow may never be yours.

Concentration on making positive changes.Never give in to any form of distraction. Center your mind on the positive side.Think positive,think through.
Today is tour gate way to a glorious future.Invest your time and money today.

Best Wishes

Monday, March 30, 2009


Right eating gives rise to good living.You live well by eating right.Limiting onself to natural food,raw fruits and vegetables with little or no meat is a healthy therapy you and I need to lead a healthy life.


From scientific findings,food has been discovered to contain curative properties.Food is regarded as a potent medicine.People who eat right will build up healthy and strong bodies.The following are some foods and fruits that can do some good wonders in your body.They are:

*MELON:Lowers the rate of lung cancer,rich in betacarotene and also an effective blood thinner.
*ONIONS:A good blood medicine,lowers blood cholesterol,thins blood and retards clothing in the heart.
*MUSHROOM:Lowers blood cholesterol and stimulates the immune system.
*PAPAYA:Otherwise known as pawpaw is a high digestive property with tonic effect on the stomach.
*CORN:Rich in fibre and vitamins.
*COCUMBERS:Cooling effects on the body and as gigestive aid.
*LEMON:Help lowers blood cholesterol.Same with Lime.
*CABBAGE:Rich in vitamins,lowers the risk of cancer
*CARROTS:Cut down the chances of contacting cancer of the pancrease.Good for the eyes and hairs.Prevents constipation.
*GARLIC:Stimulates activity of the digestive system and prevent digestion problems.
*TOMATOE:Supplies beta carotene and tycopene which are anti cancer agents.
*WATER MELON:Rich in vitamins.
*PUMKIN:Lowers rate of lung cancer.
*PINEAPLE:Excellent blood builder.
*GRAPES:A good blood purifier and also prevents catarrh.
*WHEAT;Rich in 16 minerals and vitamin c.
*AVOCADO:Good for ulcer.
*OLIVE:Good for heart diseases.
*ORANGE:A good source of vitamin c.
*APPLE:Resistance to cold.
*Pears:A good intestinal and bowel regulator.
*HONEY:Soothes sore throats.Heals wounds and sores.Relief asthma.

Daily intake of all these fruits and vegetables will for good health.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wealthy Health Knowledge

Health refers to the absence of illness,a state of complete soundness of the body,mind and physical well being of an individual.

One is said to be healthy when,he or she is able to function adequately to meet the demands of earthly living.This is the ability to coordinate ones daily routine without stress or break down.

Health Knowledge is a great factor in building the basis of primary health on the mind of an individual.When one is knowledgeable,then he is disciplined to adhere to healthy principles of life.

To be mentally healthy therefore,an individual's emotion and psychology comes in to place.Being capable and competent to function effectively and successfully.

The following factors enhances good health,they are;

Regular exercise.
Proper rest and sound sleep.
Nutritous diet.
Good standard of living promotes good quality of life thereby boost ones health.
Access to reliable health care services.
Clean and hygienic environment.
Good moral lifestyle.
Good and proper ventilation.
Personal hygiene.
Flexible exercise.
Weight training and control
Relaxation to relieve stress.
Positive living,positve thinking and meditation.
The building of self confidence and personal skills.
Learn to overcome fear and over confidence.
Open and simple mindedness.
Moderation in lifestyle.
Living a life free from worry and anxiety.There's nothing to worry about.
Maintaining a good and healthy eating habit.

The above knowledge looks simple and ofcourse it is so simple to apply.It will keep you healthy to enjoy your wealth.So keep on creating wealth,keep on enjoying.
Your good health is God concern.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Anemia refers to a disease caused by Iron deficiency in the human body.The important of a mineral called Iron in the human body cannot be overemphazised.Iron helps in carrying oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body.
It strengthens the muscles to store and use oxygen.
It also plays a major role in the metarbolical processes of the body,breaking down and digesting food substances.


The symptoms of anemia includes:-

Decreases in ones immune system
Feelings of tiredness and weakness.
Reduction in ones performance either at work or home.
Lack of maintenance of body temperature.


Healthy diet consumption is the answer.Fruits and vegetables are so good in preventing anemia.
Whole grains,fish and nuts are all healthy food suitable for human consumption.
Avoid fatty food substances in your daily intake.
Avoid feeding new born babies with cow milk or soymilk.Breast feeding is the remedy.

Sea foods such as oyster,crabs,etc,are good sources of Iron.
Avoid smoking and hard drugs like a plaque.

Iron and vitamin c suppliments are highly recommended.Vitamin c aids in proper absorption and assimilation of Iron nutrients in the body.
Also,endeavour to guard against every incidence of blood loss as in accident or bleeding.Your blood is so precious,keep it intact.

Stay Healthy.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


HIV refers to Human Immune defficiency Virus.This virus causes AIDS(Acquired Immune Defficiency Syndrome)which is pandermic and deadly.

It is a dangerous virus in that it attack,fight and destroys the human immune system that is fortified to withstand infections.No known cure is discovered so.The virus survives in body fluid and blood and cannot live outside the body for a long time.


This dreaded monster has its unique mode of transmission.It cannot be transmitted through the following ways:

Shaking hands with infected persons cannot transfer the virus.Infection cannot be contacted by hugging,sharing of toilet or casual kissing.Mosquitoe bite cannot transmit the virus either.

However,personal contact with the vaginal fluid,semen and blood of infected persons can be very dangerous.The following ways are the highway to becoming infected:

Sexual intercourse with those infected,be it anal,vaginal or oral can tamper on ones fortune and prospect of access to wealth.

There's the mother to baby transmission during pregnancy or breast milk. Notwithstanding,this could be controlled medically.

Sharing of sharp or piercing instruments like needdles,syringes,razor blade,etc can also aid the spread of the disease.


Prevention they say is better than cure.Absolute abstinence is the best protection.So avoid casual sex.
Married couples should endeavour to keep to their partners only for all form of sexual pleasures and practices.
The use of condom during sexual intercourse is also helpful though there's no 100& guarantee.
Avoid the sharing of sharp and piercing instruments.

As a way of cure,the use of voluntary test is a ready tool for early discovery of the viral infection.The use of anti-retroviral drugs at the early stage of the disease will go a long way in elongating the already shortened life span of the infected person.With these in place,you can stay healthy and wealthy.

Always remember the ABC of self protection which is,

A for Abstinence
B for Be faithful
C for Condom

Best Wishes