Monday, May 11, 2009

Hidden Wealth In Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a stemless succulent plant commonly found in the tropical regions of northen Africa and Asia.
The species is frequently used in herbal medicine and cosmetics.The medicinal value of aloe vera with its healing and soothing properties makes the plant a hot cake and money spinner.

Alternative Medicine

Aloe vera is rich in amino acids,a property that helps the body to repleneish naturally.
Aloe vera enhances proper joint and muscle mobility.
The body defence system is built naturally by vitamin A,Bcomplex,C and E,folic acid found in aloe vera.
As a skin builder,aloe vera combats the effect of aging.
Aloe vera enhances body fitness and increase energy levels of the body.
It provides a natural support for the body immune system.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is used as raw material for the production of beverages,body lotions and yogurts.The sap is applicable in the cosmetic industries for production of soap,shampoos and moisturizers.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice acts as soothing agents for heart burns and irritable bowel syndrome.
It promotes the functions of the circulatory system.
Aloe vera helps in preventing skin disorders and protect against minor skin irritation.

The hidden resources of aloe vera could be tapped for wealth creation.You can act as a distributor of an aready finish products of aloe vera.
Venturing in to the process of manufacturing any of the aloe vera products is welcome development that will put smile on your face.
There's much to discover in aloe vera.So search it out,process it,produce it,market it and make a fortune out of it.