Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Anemia refers to a disease caused by Iron deficiency in the human body.The important of a mineral called Iron in the human body cannot be overemphazised.Iron helps in carrying oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body.
It strengthens the muscles to store and use oxygen.
It also plays a major role in the metarbolical processes of the body,breaking down and digesting food substances.


The symptoms of anemia includes:-

Decreases in ones immune system
Feelings of tiredness and weakness.
Reduction in ones performance either at work or home.
Lack of maintenance of body temperature.


Healthy diet consumption is the answer.Fruits and vegetables are so good in preventing anemia.
Whole grains,fish and nuts are all healthy food suitable for human consumption.
Avoid fatty food substances in your daily intake.
Avoid feeding new born babies with cow milk or soymilk.Breast feeding is the remedy.

Sea foods such as oyster,crabs,etc,are good sources of Iron.
Avoid smoking and hard drugs like a plaque.

Iron and vitamin c suppliments are highly recommended.Vitamin c aids in proper absorption and assimilation of Iron nutrients in the body.
Also,endeavour to guard against every incidence of blood loss as in accident or bleeding.Your blood is so precious,keep it intact.

Stay Healthy.

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